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Challenge Aspen’s Annual Gala: Moving Mountains will be held at the Buttermilk Mountain Lodge on Sunday, July 21st.

Privacy Policy

Challenge Aspen (CA) ardently respects your privacy. We will only collect, store and use your personal information for specific defined purposes. We use your information to enhance our relationship directly with you, as well as make you aware of current and future events or fundraising campaigns. We do not sell your personal information or share your information with other companies, organizations, non-profits or other individual entities. At any time you may contact CA with any privacy questions or concerns you may have. You also may ask at any time to see the data you have given us and request correction or deletion. Our goal is to ensure the highest level of security and confidentiality.

In addition to personal contact information, we ask for billing information, such as your billing address and credit card number, when you make a donation. We use secure servers to process this information, hosted by Your billing information is not shared with any other organizations, and your credit card number is not retained once your transaction has been authorized and processed.

In some cases, you may supply contact information for people other than yourself, for example, email addresses of friends or family to whom you wish to have us notify of a donation you have made, or to whom you would like to notify of a fundraising event. We do not add such information to our mailing list, nor do we sell this information or share it with other organizations, or individual entities.

At Challenge Aspen, your right to privacy and data security is a primary concern. When you visit, we help you maintain control over your personal data on the internet by adhering to our established privacy guidelines. For further information regarding our privacy statement, please contact us at:

Challenge Aspen
PO Box 6639
Snowmass Village, CO  81615