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Development Manager

I spent several years living, working and study abroad and in different parts of the U.S. before returning to the west slope. Along the way I obtained my B.A. in geography from the University of Colorado and an M.S. in agroecology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and worked in several non-profit settings in healthcare, education, and social impact sectors.

Outside work, I am an endurance athlete, and compete in Nordic skiing, trail running, gravel biking, and triathlon. I spend most of my free time having grand adventures outside and want to make the outdoors a space that welcomes, celebrates, and is accessible to all.


Newcastle, CO

My favorite outdoor activity is…

a three-way tie between skate skiing, trail running, and biking

When I’m not working, I’m happiest…

Doing the outdoor activities mentioned above, preferably with my best friend, Oakley the chocolate lab.

My hidden talent or interest is…

Writing. Maybe that’s not so secret since I write most of what needs to be written at Challenge Aspen, but I am also a creative writer and hope to one day publish a children’s book.

Contact Us

Email or call 970-923-0578.